Assistant Outsourcing – Payroll Services

About this position

Roles and Responsibilities:

The Assistant Payroll Consultant will be a member of the Payroll team. (S)he will ensure accurate processing & recording of client’s payroll, provide timely and accurate financial information, participate in daily data entry Payroll processing, which includes monthly payroll, BPJS administration, year-end adjustments, also filing individual income tax return.

  • Payroll processing for multiple clients
  • Management of BPJS, and other tax related items for new joiners and leavers at clients
  • Payroll payment setting management (payroll, social insurance and other legal insurances, income taxes, online banking, e-spt)
  • Support work (mailing, preparing withholding tax slips, payroll slips etc.)


  • Bachelor degree in Accounting/Tax/Finance from prominent university with GPA min. 3.00
  • Experience of working  in payroll (either in-house / outsource) is an advantage
  • Good Microsoft Excel skills (can use functions e.g. VLOOKUP)
  • Able to work in a diversified cultural environment
  • Has excellent organizational and time management skills
  • Able to liaise well with others and deal with confidential materials
  • Able to pay attention to details